Aggressive Dog Behaviour And How To Stop It

If you are a dog owner, it is pertinent to know if your dog has an aggressive dog behaviour and how to stop it. More often than not, it's difficult to determine the root of the aggression. In most cases, it begins during the puppy stage when some bad habits are tolerated. The puppy keeps doing a lot of things to get what he wants. Snapping, nipping, and barking can start really small but can also become dangerous signs of aggression if uncontrolled. The wrong kind of attention given to these habits only reinforces it further. Consequently, an aggressive dog is developed and nurtured.
It is very hard to curb aggression at a later stage yet there is still chance for the dog to overcome it with some help. One of the most common signs of aggression is in the form of any negative behavior of the dog surrounding his own food. It is totally unacceptable for a dog to growl or snarl at anyone who comes near his food. It is also a sign of aggression when the dog shows hostility towards strangers or other dogs. It is when you see these signs that you should take effort to control your dog's behavior. Now that you are aware of the signs of aggression, you are ready to stop it. Here are just a few of the things you need to know about aggressive dog behaviour and how to stop it:
1. Allot a specific space for your dog.
Paramount to this endeavor is to have a specific place for you and your dog. Set up a particular area where both of you can interact privately. Distractions from other people are strictly discouraged so that your dog can focus on what you are trying to reinforce.
2. Find the best ways to discipline him.
Try your best to recreate the scenario when he would show his aggressiveness. For example, if he usually growls when he senses some threat near his food, use this situation for disciplining him. Place a bowl of his favorite food near him. Allow him to eat and once he starts feeding, cautiously position yourself, with your body turned, such that you are in between your dog and his food bowl.
3. Give your dog a stern "No".
If he attempts to growl, just say a stern, 'NO' and touch him by the neck. Your dog must be sitting at this point. Should he attempt to rise, quickly make him sit or lie again. Continue doing this form of control until he no longer shows any signs of aggressions. A reward or a treat should be given to your dog the moment he shows submission to you to make him learn that this is the kind of behavior you want from him. Keep in mind that a dog owner can have a happy and healthy relationship with his pet if he learns how to spot an aggressive dog behaviour and how to stop it. It is worth all the effort that you put into making your pet dog a very lovable one.
However if you want even quicker methods to stop aggressive dog behavior click here - Dog Training Unleashed
Can you believe how effective these techniques are?


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