How to Choose The Best Puppy - Get The Best Puppy in The Litter

choose a puppy

Which is the best puppy?

When you are ready to buy a puppy you want to choose the best puppy, Right? Here are some guidelines to finding that special friend.
How to Choose a Puppy
  • Go to reputable breeders and see as many puppies as possible.
  • Look for good physical condition and temperament because you are going to live with your dog for a long time.
  • If you can see the parents of the puppy, you can watch them. How do they greet you?
  • Watch their mannerisms, their friendliness, their vigor, and look at their condition.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. You want to buy a puppy that is of good sound parentage.
All puppies look darling and it is difficult to tell which is the smartest, which will love you the most? The healthy puppy is sprightly but not too nervous or overactive.
Find a Healthy Puppy 
  • Look for clear and bright eyes and his nose has no mucous discharge
  • Is his coat is glossy, and be sure to check the skin
  • How do their teeth look, are healthy-looking, how is their bite
  • See if his hearing is good - does he respond when you talk to him or when you make a noise?
You deserve to receive a healthy puppy so if you see one that you must have but does not look healthy, insist the breeder get the puppy in top condition. Do not take the puppy home till it is. It is no fun to have to doctor a puppy the moment that you bring him home.
Choose a puppy from the breed that pleases you. You know if you want a long hair, short hair, cropped ears, certain size, what color you like. Just remember, this is your dog, and what size, sex, and type dog you choose is all up to you. You will live with this dog for 10 to 15 years so do not let someone else tell you what you should have.
Perhaps, when you read about the different breeds, you may be disappointed that not one is called a pet. I don't want a hunting dog, you say to yourself. I do not need a sheep herder, a dog that fights badgers, or a dog that will attack intruders. I just want a pet, a friendly dog to be my companion, and to walk with me. Do not worry. Is does not matter, any dog you select will be a pet if you bring him up to be a pet. His past is so far behind him that he will forget about it.
The thing to remember here is that you find a puppy that will meet your needs. Decide what you want from the dog, what size you want, what he should look like, and what personality you expect. If the puppy is healthy and meets what you want in a dog then you will have many years of enjoyment.
One last thing, after you buy a puppy you must train your puppy! Just remember that no puppy comes with a guarantee or a special ready-made personality. How your dog behaves is strictly up to you. All breeds of dogs must be taught dog obedience, Every dog can be taught to sit, heel, come, stay, lie down, and how to be social. This is your responsibility. You and your puppy will be much happier. Be sure to visit my webpage to get more puppy tips and training guides...


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