How To Treat Your Favourite Animal With Pet Meds

By Pauline E Medway

It is no surprise that the UK is known as a nation of pet lovers with 1 in every 2 Brits owning an animal. It is estimated that the UK pet medicine market is valued at over 200 million per year. With recent regulatory changes in the UK pet medicine market many more animal health products can be sold from the pharmacy. More often than not pet owners are unaware of their rights when it comes to obtaining medicines for their fury friend.

Presently, four categories of legalized pet drugs are in existence as explained below. This classification was unveiled and effected in 2005 to suit the needs for pets owners to purchasing effective cures.

POM-V is a class of medicines that call for above average care when making a prescription. Due to their safety margin, only highly qualified veterinary surgeons are authorized to diagnose after a clinical assessment of the animal. The prescription can be used to obtain animal medicines from a pharmacist if a pet owner is not willing to accept those dispensed by the vet.

POM-VPS are medicines that must be prescribed and supplied by a veterinary surgeon, pharmacist or suitably qualified person. It is not necessary for an examination to be carried out by the prescriber however they must be satisfied that the medicines are being correctly administered in a safe and appropriate manor for the intended purpose.

NFA-VPS are medicines supplied by a pharmacist or a vet. However, any other professional in the field of animal health science can distribute and prescribe, as well.The drugs are for animals meant to offer companion to human beings.

AVM-GSL category comprises of drugs that have the least statutory requirements. The medicines are sometimes referred to as over the counter drugs. They are general use drugs but this should not imply accuracy in prescription be ignored.

Flea and tick regimes

It is advisable that you offer full mitigation to your fury friends against parasites such as fleas and ticks. Negligence to this requirement has contributed enormously to pet infestation. About 25% of dogs and 50% of cats are affected based on annual statistics. Presence of such parasites on an animal body is an indicator that there could be more of them concealing under the cushions and various upholstery within the house. As such, treatment of all soft furnishings within a homestead is indispensable if to free pets of fleas and ticks completely.

Regular treatment of fleas is important to ensuring promising healths for animals at all times. Typically four to five weeks intervals are ideal to achieving the purpose. Shampoos, flea collars, spot on drops and powders are some of the strategies to use when regular treating. Vacuuming, pet bedding washing and flea sprays give exclusive results when together with shampoos and the other options. In fact, the combination can end up preventing against ticks, as well.

For very young animals less the 12 weeks old certain treatments are not recommended. You can physically remove fleas with a headlice comb available at your local pharmacy.

Dual treatments are encouraged when medicating animals. They are effective in preventing many risks posed by ticks. The treatments even mitigate the black-legged ticks that cause Lyme infection that threats your fury friend.

Protection from intestinal parasites

There are several different types of intestinal worn that can infect your cat or dog. The most common in the UK are roundworms and tapeworms. However it is not always obvious that your pet will have an infection and therefore regular reliable worming treatment at least every 3 months is recommended.

When making the choice of which wormier to purchase, give preference to Dual wormier. They are effective and can destroy both tapeworms as well as round worms. They exist in the form of granules, tablets or may be in liquid form.

Eye infections

Eye problems in your pets are a frequent occurrence but thankfully normally they are picked up quite quickly. Symptoms range from mild irritation, discharge, to redness and cloudiness. Three of the most common eye diseases in dogs are corneal abrasions, dry eye and glaucoma. It may be that the cause is something simple but it is very important that you see a vet as soon as possible. When it comes to eye problems any delay could result in serious complications such as blindness or eye loss.

Ear protection

The internal part of the ear of any animal is hairy in nature. As such, a lot of dust is likely to trap within the forest of hair leading to increased chances of infections rapture. Therefore, cleaning the ears of your animals is a paramount requirement to reduce chances for infections. In addition, regular advice from a vet on the right method of cleaning the ears helps avoid accidental piercing of the eardrum or cutting the ear canal.

Digestive problems

Diarrhoea, constipation, loss of appetite and swallowing with difficulty are some common problems of the digestive system of your animal. Extremely abnormal conditions can lead to sudden loss of weight, exhaustion and dehydration. But if given sufficient rest, the conditions will dissipate gradually without medical intervention.

Appropriate eating habits and exercises

Your pet can benefit from a healthy lifestyle just as you can. Ensure you pet is eating healthily and getting plenty or exercise. Together with good hygiene this can prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Keeping you pet healthy will also protect you and your family from conditions that can be transferred to humans including roundworm and tapeworm that infect cats and dogs.

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