A Guide To Diagnose A Dog Illness And Natural Remedies

By Geraldine Dimarco

We love our pets - no question about that. Do we understand them? Not unless your last name is Doolittle, not really. Animals only have their barks and gestures to express themselves, so it is important that responsible pet owners have a working knowledge of symptoms that will help us diagnose a dog illness as accurate as possible.

There are several ailments that are easily addressed. In fact, many will not warrant any form of medication at all - you can use natural remedies for dogs to treat them. These natural remedies are more economical than buying expensive drugs and undergoing pricey curative procedures. Moreover, your pet will be spared from having his insides subjected to too much chemicals brought about by the drugs?these have been proven harmful to pets in the long run.

Perhaps the most prevalent irritants for canines are the common fleas. Sure, they are not classified as a sickness per se; however they are carriers of infections that do cause diseases like Lyme disease and heartworm. Complications with the heart, liver and the nervous system arise from seemingly insignificant tick bites.

This is fairly easy enough to solve - give your pet regular baths and grooming sessions. Spray a citrus blend over his body, or dab a few drops of lavender or rosemary oil over his bedding?the smell is a natural flea repellant. Inspect his coat regularly for ticks; and for the itchy, hot spots, combine equal amounts of tea tree oil with water and smear this ointment over the infected wound.

Sure indicators that the canine is sick are unusual behavioral changes he is exhibiting. A temperature higher than 102 degree Fahrenheit, loss of appetite, fatigue and fainting, falling or trembling may merit a trip to the vet. Keep a log of when these symptoms begin to manifest - the vet will most likely need the information to give an accurate diagnosis.

Check for undue thirst and frequent urination in your pet?s daily habits. This may be a symptom of some problems in the internal systems of the dog that he is trying to correct. You might also want to give him serious medical attention if there is any form of discharge, especially if the secretion is green in color, in his eyes, nose and ears - it is a sign of respiratory problems. A food plan high in needed vitamins and minerals are valuable natural remedies for dogs.

Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids are some nutrients that boost the canine's immune system. They have antiviral properties that encourage healthy white blood cells, energy production and resistance to infection. A good source of these minerals can be attained through fresh and natural ingredients in his meals.

To keep the dog healthy, he must have enough rest while engaging in regular physical activity. Exercise will keep his cardiovascular and circulatory systems running smoothly. Make sure to note if your pet seems to be overly tired and sleepy always. It might be a symptom of sickness that intense exercise might only aggravate.

It is recommended that you are able to correctly diagnose a dog illness?however, always consult your vet for final analysis. Maintain a nutritional diet and a clean environment for your pet's best health.

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