Aspirin For Dogs?

By Geraldine Dimarco

All of us profess a deep love for our dogs-and why not? They are great to be around with and they love us unconditionally. We want the best for them but unfortunately, we can't shield them from all the aches and pains that many canine diseases bring. We must find out more about the things that we can give them so that we don't make the mistake of administering to them the wrong medication and risk further harming their health.

There are several dog diseases that are painful. Animals are not equipped to express their pain with human words so we don't always know what is the reason and source of their discomfort. It lies to us, the responsible dog owners that we are, to familiarize ourselves with the common sicknesses that abound in the canine community so we know what to do to effectively treat their dog pain.

A frequently asked question is this-can I give my dog aspirin for pain? Aspirin, as you know, is a mild pain medication that we take for minor aches and pains. Well, it may seem harmless to us-but not to animals. Human pain relief formulations are harmful to our pets and will cause them long term damages in their health when used often, even in small dosages.

There are alternative medications that can be used to relieve your dog's pain instead. Vets often prescribe NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate the animal's suffering. NSAIDs are often used together with dietary supplements to ease arthritic pain. Zubrin, Novox, Etogesic and Rimadyl are among some of the NSAIDs that are known to be generally safe.

Homeopathic remedies and natural therapies are gaining popularity in treating dog pain as well. Certain herbs have healing properties that are said to improve the function of specific body organs or systems that need to be strengthened. Search for some if these helpful natural elements in some canine websites and try to incorporate these in your dog's meals.

Do not administer over-the-counter prescription human medication to canines at any time. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and Advil are some pain relief drugs we use that must never find its way to our dogs' systems. They contain chemicals that are too harsh for animals. For terminally ill dogs or dogs that are in extreme pain- narcotics and steroids are sometimes used. However, you must never administer these very strong chemicals without the go signal of a licensed vet.

Pain medications humans use are toxic to animals, and they will bring about serious damage to their systems. Aspirin actually thins out the blood. So if your pet has acute internal injuries or very bad bruising in his body, aspiring will be very dangerous to give him. If you want to know-can I give my dog aspirin for pain? If you want him healthy, then the answer is no.

Regular trips to the vet for check-ups are invaluable for your dog. This will see to it that any canine disease will be discovered before it progresses to anything more serious. Discover more valuable facts on your canine's health and enjoy a happier and healthier dog today!

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