How To Keep Carpenter Ants From Doing Damage With A Hudson Pest Control Company

By Tyrone Sojka

Considered some of the largest ants in the US, carpenter ants can cause structural damage to a home. These ants can range in size up to 1/2 inch. They are primarily black, but might be red or yellow in color as well. Homeowners can find help in eliminating these ants with a Hudson pest control company.

Carpenter ants live both indoors and outdoors. They inhabit wet, hollow or decaying wood. The ants cut galleries into the grain of the wood to form nests and provide tunnels that allow them to move between sections of their nest. Colony locations are often found by looking for wood shavings along with parts of dead ants.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat the wood they remove. They do eat many of the same foods that people eat and are fond of sweets and meats. These ants also eat other insects.

The Queen of a colony may live up to 25 years. She begins laying eggs the first year and may lay from 9-16 eggs. These eggs have a six to 12 week life cycle.

Worker ants or swarmers may be the first indication of a problem. Workers are usually outside the nest foraging for food that will be brought back. As colonies grow, some ants may leave the original one in a swarm. This is an indication that the original is well established. Other indicators of a problem are the wood shavings left by the ants work. In some cases, home occupants will note a rustling noise caused by the ants as they work.

With the help of an exterminator, it is often possible to prevent problems of a serious structural nature in a building. However, the longer the ants are allowed to live in the wood, the more damage they are able to cause. If owners suspect an infestation, they should call a Hudson pest control company to eliminate the colony.

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