Cleaning Products That Are Environmentally Friendly

By Lianne Derocco

Keeping our homes, yard, farms and businesses sanitary and safe from pollutants that might give us diseases is a priority right now with the pollution we have right now in our world. While chemicals might seem necessary, there are almost always better alternatives. Some products out there are completely natural and we can use them safely because it they contains no harsh chemicals.

We need to keep our homes clean, and many natural cleaners can be made using safe ingredients you probably already have in your home. If you have the knowledge to make these homemade cleaning items then it will be very easy for you. Not only are these types of products extremely safe, they also are actually very effective cleaning aids and just as good as any chemical-based cleaner. Homemade cleaning tools are very safe and cannot harm you because it does not contain poison that comes from chemicals. Young members of the family and pets are safe from these cleaning items so do not worry.

To make these homemade cleaning items, you can have these recipes to follow which are very easy. One on the list is a mix of baking soda, liquid soap, vinegar and water. Use this combination for cleaning up your bathrooms. Put them inside a bottle for safe keeping and to use the next time you clean. Vinegar and water mixed inside a plastic spray bottle can be used when you are cleaning windows and mirror in your homes and work just as well as chemical window spray. A mix of borax and hot water can be used to clean many types of tile and synthetic flooring. It will definitely clean those up in no time, while leaving no streaks or residue.

If you do not like nasty pests and weeds in your garden and you are having problems with it then there are natural solutions for you. A gardener would always know that these problem makers can cause damage to plants, vegetables, flowers and other valuable things in your garden so just follow this tip. Put some coffee grounds nearby your plants. These are natural types of insect repellant which can protect them from certain types of pests. There are also other types of natural products that can repel such pests and even helpful bugs can be introduced to a garden to get rid of bugs you don't want.

If your property boasts a lake or a pond or if you have animals such as horses, cattle or hogs, then fresh water is something you probably are concerned about. There are several products out there that can keep water safe, but without using any type of toxin or chemical. The Healthy Ponds Stock Tank Cleaner, for example, uses natural bacteria to eat up organic matter and excess nutrients in water ensuring that your animals will have safe drinking water. To keep that pond clean, using a pond clean product such as AquaSpherePRO, which also uses bacteria to reduce algae and keep water balanced and fresh. Both products are easy to use and both also have been approved by veterinarians and won't harm your livestock, pets, wildlife, fish or your fellow humans.

If your property is used to raise livestock, then you probably know that managing livestock waste, such as hog waste, it a big task. Agra Sphere is a natural product that can help you avoid problems such as bottom-level sludge build-up, crusting on the top level and even foaming. Agra Sphere uses bacterial microbes to eat away at the sludge and crust, and it also reduces the odors and flies that typically are found near waste pits or waste lagoons.

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