Finding The Best Lab Puppies In Cincinnati

By Mia Kent

Having a dog as part of the family is a wonderful experience. Many homes have a pet and would not want to be without them. However, a dog is also a serious commitment that will take up a lot of time and money. Before buying lab puppies in Cincinnati every family should think carefully and make sure they are ready for this big step in their lives.

Before they even visit a kennel, any potential owner should make sure they have enough room for an energetic puppy. They need to have at least some outdoor space to allow the young dog to run around and play. The yard must be well fence and safe so that they curious animal cannot get out or injure itself. Any necessary fence repairs should be undertaken well before the puppy arrives home.

Both children and parents have a lot to learn before they bring home their new pet. A puppy can be very destructive and most will chew on almost anything they can find. This is a perfectly natural instinct that they have to strengthen their jaws and entertain themselves. Children must be taught to put their toys away in a safe place or they can be destroys by those sharp little teeth in no time at all.

A puppy will also need to be trained. Attending a class with other owners and their dogs is the perfect way to make new friends and learn about successful training tips. Every dog should be leash trained and know their basic commands. When out for a walk the puppy should sit and stay when told and not pull. Dogs that have never been properly leash trained are very difficult to manage especially as they get bigger.

The dogs should also be healthy and have had regular veterinary care. The puppy will need a series of vaccinations to protect them from rabies, distemper and other common canine illnesses. They should also have been treated for intestinal parasites and given a clean bill of health by a local veterinarian. Labradors are typically very healthy dogs, but it is still important to have them checked out and screened for any signs of a problem.

Most breeders welcome the perspective owners to come over on several visits so that they can match they with exactly the right animal. Each dog has its own unique personality. A rambunctious puppy may be perfect for a young family, but not so ideal for an older person. Shy dogs who don't like noise and chaos are better suited to a quiet home environment.

A good breeder will also be available to answer questions and provide help for their clients. It can be very reassuring to a new owner to know they have someone to call for help. Any problems should be addressed right away to prevent them from escalating.

A dog is a wonderful addition to any household. Labradors are some of the best family dogs available. They are friendly, playful and very loyal. Buying lab puppies in Cincinnati is not only a fun experience, but the start of a long and happy friendship.

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